My Best Articles of 2019 for You & Your Relationships.

As the new year begins, I thought it might be nice to highlight some of the best, most well received articles from the past year.

I have gone through the archives and found articles that gained positive feedback or were particularity powerful and interesting. Hopefully you’ll find a few old favourites here and come across something new to inspire you!

Let’s dive in :

This one is for those of us needing the Last Resort Program. Here you will find some more useful tips in applying this marriage saving technique

And here’s one for those of us who are Once were Worriers, when the worry has you trapped in a vicious cycle of procrastination, or frozen and let’s face it the festive season can amp this right up !

How do we get past infidelity?
How do we get past infidelity?

Perhaps these Millenials can teach us about Marriage Fidelity and Trust building ?

Are you getting the Love you Want? Check out the cheats guide to skipping therapy with a couples retreat to fast track your relationship repair here

Infidelity is heartbreaking. Watch my Youtube here for help

Hold on to your marriage. See a marriage friendly therapist

A timely reminder to of the power of gratitude

Happy New Year! Let 2020 be your best yet xox

Hi there, I hope you had a nice easing in for this decade. For us it was a quiet get together welcoming the Sydney New Year, with beautiful friends. Although a distance from the city we get glimpses of the fireworks on the harbour. Plus the ABC coverage on TV was impressive.

Impressive Sydney New Years Eve Harbour Bridge Fireworks
Impressive Sydney New Years Eve Harbour Bridge Fireworks

I am not really a fan of resolutions – it seems to set my rebellious part off and against me – – perhaps you can identify?

Or I start off well, going along for a bit in virtuosity only to collapse and rebound back into the unwanted pattern! Crap.

I like the idea of setting your intention/s – looking for want you want to have happen in the coming year. Remember the mind loves a guide, so make it positive. Be free spirited here, let loose your fun parts!

Set your intentions for 2020. Write down your wishlist.
Make some time for you to inspire yourself.

In line with this intention I write a wish list. In my 2020 diary I use one of those pages and head it up with 2020 Wishlist. I write all my hopes and dreams and make it big. Abandon all logic and let your mind free your creativity. I do this annually and it’s amazing what evolves. Love to hear your adventures.

A friend of mine likes to have a word for the year to contemplate. I usually need more than one. We had fortune cookies for NYE mine said ” You have all the wisdom of the ages at your command.” Super cool. So my words are inspired by this – Wisdom, Command and Faith.

Faith gives me hope and connects me to my brand of spirituality. I am part of a bigger universe. It’s not a religious aspect, more an awe of the divine in all of us. In my heart I believe all will be well. I have faith all will turn out for the best and people are ultimately kind. Rather like a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Can you relate?

Ebenezar Scrooge is visited by Marley his business partner weighted down with the chains forged in his lifetime.
Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by Marley his ghostly business partner, weighted down with the chains forged in his life. Charles Dicken’s story still tells the tale.

Wisdom is a wonderful word, it’s about that lived experience we all have had being on this planet. The learnings, the leavings, the lovings, and the leanings we edge toward. You will have your own special knowledge and well won wisenesses.

Command was a little challenging for me to put out there, the judgy part of me said it’s controlling. Reframe needed here. Command can encourage me into being a personal leader. Being the boss of me and what I choose and how I behave and respond. Engaging in my a personal power for good.

Marriage Works wishes you a happy new year, heralding in the 2020 decade.
Marriage Works wishes you a happy new year, heralding in the 2020 decade.

So what are your your intentions? Your word or words for 2020 the beginning of this next decade? Please share and write them out in the comments box below.

With love and gratitude, Philipa and Chris from Marriage Works down under!

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