Merry Christmas and Good Cheer to All!

Last updated on January 12th, 2018 at 04:02 pm

I am writing to say a huge thank you!

We wish you all the blessings to all our clients, and all the folk who have watched, read, heard and participated in Marriage Works online community and You tube.

Your wonderful selves make this world a better place. Thank you!

Please make merry in the festive season with the intended good will and cheer.

Tis the Season ...
Tis the Season …
Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays!

With love and gracious appreciation, Philipa and Chris of Marriage Works.


Blessings for the holiday season to one and all. Love Philipa and Chris
Blessings for the holiday season to one and all.
Love Philipa and Chris

Last Resort Technique (LRT) Video Series

Last updated on April 16th, 2018 at 11:40 am

I’ve posted a 4-part video series explaining my take on The Last Resort Technique (LRT) which is the most popular page on this website. See that page for a detailed breakdown of LRT.

Questions and comments are welcome either in YouTube comments section or in the comments on the page dedicated to The Last Resort Technique. Please like and subscribe on YouTube to help others find this information.

Introduction video

1:36 mins part 1 of 4

Michele Weiner-Davis The Last Resort Technique is also known as LRT or “The 180”. It comes from her amazing book The Divorce Remedy.

I’d appreciate it if you wish to purchase this  worthy book, you click on the link to go directly to Amazon. This is an affiliate link through which I make a small commission if you buy via the link to offset the cost of running this website. You don’t have to use the link, you can search for “The Divorce Remedy” and buy it without the affiliate link.

In second video we get into the details of

Step 1 – Stop Chasing

4:17 minutes – part 2 of 4

Step 2 – Get a Life

9:38 mins – part 3 of 4

Step 3 – Wait and Watch

8:05 minutes part 4 of 4

Again, please like and subscribe on YouTube to help others find this information. A tweet or a share on social media would also benefit others.

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