No Sex, could it be an Affair or Warning Sign?

Last updated on May 26th, 2018 at 11:54 pm

If your bedroom has gone dead, you need to address this. You know your partner and your frequency. If it’s gone off the boil, you may need to light the fire again.

Intimate connection, begins with understanding and appreciation. We get caught up in the daily grind. You ignore your relationship and your partner at your peril.

If you start looking outside for the answers – accusing your spouse of infidelity then you only lose control. Even if there is an affair your best bet is to work on your marriage.

Bring back the fun and frolics
Bring back the fun and frolics

Both men and women need an emotional and safe place to experience their connection. Are you providing this? If so great. You are probably having sex. If not you may need to get on top of this pronto. Reconnect with your partner today. Do something nice, share yourself with love.

Wishing you luck and love!

Dead bedroom or affair?
In union

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