The Three Choices in Relationship Distress – Which will you choose?

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 01:20 pm

Dan Wile suggests couples typically use three choices of action when faced with relational conflict:

  1. Attack and Defend a most hurtful way of handling things. This is where one party lashes out criticising their significant others character by finding fault and inadequacy and attacking them personally. This drives their mate away. When a person feels attacked they get defensive which also further distances and harms the relationship.
  2. Avoid or Deny. This is when you ignore or minimise your unhappy feelings about the issue at hand.  Self talk might sound like “It’s stupid to feel this way,” or “I just won’t think about it (say anything, ignore it or pretend it’s ok) and maybe it will go away.” “It’s no big deal.” This sort of downplaying really disheartens the partnership. When the issue continues it gets harder to maintain this avoidance.
  3. SelfDisclose and Connect. You can talk about how you feel about the issue and work on common understanding – this doesn’t mean you have to agree. You may not find the perfect solution or compromise but you have allowed for emotional connection and intimacy building.

Is there a particular style you identify yourself as using from the list? Be honest now. Here is your challenge – move beyond attack and defend, avoid and deny and use the only workable option self disclose and connect.

This will require courage and self-confrontation.

Read on for suggestions as to how to start to rebuild the intimacy with sharing yourself and reconnecting here: Continue reading The Three Choices in Relationship Distress – Which will you choose?

Are you in Stuck in the Avoidance Trap?

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 01:36 pm

Many couples coming to marital therapy at Marriage Works relationship practice are suffering from disappointment and resentments in their relationships. In part this is due to their inaction with dealing with the issues head on.

This holding pattern can go on for many years, simmering below the surface, fracturing the relationship. The occasional explosion will occur and some problems might be discussed resulting in a honeymoon period of closeness and intimacy before the old avoidance pattern resurfaces and the resentment cycle kicks in.

Sometimes this crisis will take the form of an extra-marital affair or it may be embedded in workaholism, chronic busy-ness, gambling, alcohol use, or other third party preferences to the relationship. It is not uncommon for a couple to be in my office two years out from the infidelity with cycles of hurt and remorse playing out for both parties but no resolution.

Often I see a fixed pattern and story of a marriage in heart failure that builds to a breach rising into conscious awareness for the pair. Even after the reconciliation phase many relationships fail due to not dealing with the deeper issues that lead to the crisis in the partnership.

The real culprit here is the Avoidance Trap not confronting or being vulnerable with each other.

Please click text to continue reading… Continue reading Are you in Stuck in the Avoidance Trap?

The Porn Ultimatum – Sabour Bradley

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:56 pm

I just watched Head First: Porn Ultimatum with journalist and ABC Producer Sabour Bradley.  It was interesting and he raised some great questions to ponder.

Good work Sabour. Click here to read on.

Continue reading The Porn Ultimatum – Sabour Bradley

Sexual Jealousy poisons relationships

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:51 pm

My friend Matty Silver an experienced sex therapist recently wrote about the toxicity of sexual jealousy in The Beast (a magazine distributed in Bondi, Clovelly, Randwick and Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs).

If it is not dealt with immediately it will slowly poison the relationship and can harm all parties involved.

Jealousy and envy generally stem from a very fragile place where a person feels vulnerable and insecure. It is an immature emotional response more suited to a three-year-old.

You can’t let a three-year-old part dictate your life and control things, it’s not very attractive for your or your significant others. Get help to move beyond the hurt and heal what informs this.

Sex therapy in combination with marital counselling offer you the skills and ability to fully embrace life and the relationship you deserve, begin it now by making the call to a couples therapist near you today.

Resource Therapy Invitation from Dr Emmerson

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:49 pm

I have returned from the the final Advanced Clinical in Resource Therapy training run by Dr Gordon Emmerson. What a wonderful experience.

Dr Emmerson selected those practitioners he felt had the field experience, expertise in working with a wide variety of patients and emotional depth to be trainers of Resource Therapy (RT).

I am deeply honoured to accept the invitation to be a RT trainer.

Next year I will be delivering training in New Zealand and Australia, Sydney and possibly Brisbane. I’ll keep clinicians posted. Continue reading Resource Therapy Invitation from Dr Emmerson

Sad Loss at Lithgow, Children left without Parents

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:38 pm

Yesterday my phone rang, Anita Gibson the producer of 2UE’s Mornings with Angela Catterns was wondering about the children of murdered Dr Leonie Geldenhuy in Lithgow, outer Sydney NSW.

Please read on… Continue reading Sad Loss at Lithgow, Children left without Parents

Happy Valentines Day to Married, Singles and all Couples!

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 11:49 am

This is a day to prioritise your relationship with loved ones and if you are not in a partnership – love yourself.

Please read on for more loving ideas… Continue reading Happy Valentines Day to Married, Singles and all Couples!

Useful Parenting website

Last updated on January 12th, 2018 at 04:08 pm

It is tough for parents out there knowing how to handle the rough spots and raise our children to be responsible caring young people.

So I came across a really fantastic website that I thought I would pass on to you: Hand in Hand Parenting.

Direct from the USA the latest research, advice and practical problem solving for parents who want the best  for their children (and don’t we all!).

Welcome to a New Year 2014!

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 01:36 pm

Ah it is the start of the new year and a fresh calendar for us in so many ways. We often start off with great gusto and many ideas, maybe even a few resolutions. What is the relationship you wish to create into 2014? Continue reading Welcome to a New Year 2014!

What will your gifts be to your family this Christmas?

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 11:27 am

It’s so easy to go out to the shops, buy and wrap a present for xmas and it’s done. What about giving the gift of intimacy in your marriage and family relationship?  Continue reading What will your gifts be to your family this Christmas?

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