Jump in the pool and cool off over summer down under.

Happy New Year from Marriage Works! Bonus gift wish list just for you.

Welcome to the New Year, already a few days in and I am still in holiday mode, so have been relaxing and enjoying a rest. I do hope you and your loved ones are recharging.

Dolphins are good at celebrating life
Dolphins are good at celebrating life.

Its got a revitalizing feel to it 2019. I am still formulating this years plan. It will include taking Resource Therapy to London, England, a wedding in Suffolk and our annual trip to Bali. Yay!

So excited, we have booked our tickets back to New Zealand, for my Aunt Judy and Uncle Robin’s 50th wedding anniversary their golden anniversary. They are babies though in the longevity stakes – My Aunty Faye and Carl are the leaders coming in for their diamond jubilee – 60th wedding anniversary. Diamonds come from the Greek word adamas which means unconquerable and enduring. So right on all counts.

60th Wedding Anniversary the Diamond. Well done Aunty Faye and Carl!!
60th Wedding Anniversary the Diamond. Well done Aunty Faye and Carl!!

Longevity in relationships does matter. It’s no wonder I came up with the name marriage works. Both Chris and I come from a long line of stayers in that department. And why we want to help others in their relationship dilemma’s.

We had a beautiful relaxed New Years eve enjoying the company of good friends old and new. Watching the glorious Sydney harbor fireworks display come midnight. There was champagne, a small feast and dancing!

Sydney city fireworks are a tremendous display heralding the start to the new year 2019!

We hope you had a lovely start to the year. It felt special as our first Christmas as husband and wife. Sending all those first Christmas holiday season mothers, fathers and spouses my very best wishes. Super special!

baby-1249613_1920 Babies first new year, wonderful for new mums and dads everywhere.
To all the first year mums and dads a big smile!

Thanks ever so much to all our clients and supporters of Marriage Works in 2018. We really appreciate you and love hearing from you. Blessings and wishing you an awe inspiring start to 2019.

Here is your wish list gift from us to you:

Yours in gratitude- Philipa xox

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