Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:56 pm
I just watched Head First: Porn Ultimatum with journalist and ABC Producer Sabour Bradley. It was interesting and he raised some great questions to ponder.
Good work Sabour. Click here to read on.
We saw couple Ken and Jillian struggling with the effects of his porn use, intimacy issues and co-dependence. They worked with John Larkin sex therapist to try address very complex issues of childhood trauma that will require long term commitment for change.
We travelled to the USA to see a research psychologist who studies the brain demonstrate how the pleasure pathway is stimulated with porn, in exactly the same manner as drugs.
People termed themselves addicts and suffering from intimacy problems, describing themselves as trying to fill a ‘void’. One gets a sense of their emptiness and isolation as they sit in front of a computer screen with a cam girl (I hadn’t heard of that particular occupation).
Luckily science is on our side.
We know that healing and behaviour change can occur with time and commitment and trauma therapies like EMDR and Resource Therapy. Here we seek to resolve the underlying issues fuelling the addiction.
Whether it be anxiety, abandonment, rejection, or fear, a good therapist will help you overcome the barriers to intimacy and regain your sense of self.