Unlock the Secrets to a Deeper Connection at Our “Getting the Love You Want” Weekend for Couples

Last updated on July 21st, 2024 at 03:05 pm

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Are you and your partner looking for a transformative experience that will take your relationship to new heights? Join us for an enriching two-day journey at our “Getting the Love You Want” Imago couples program, where we dedicate ourselves to mentoring your partnership toward deeper understanding, connection, and love.

The Power of Understanding and Connection

In every relationship, communication, and understanding are the bedrock of intimacy and growth. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, these critical aspects can take a backseat, leading to feelings of disconnect and unfulfillment. This is where our program steps in, offering a sanctuary for couples to explore, understand, and reconnect with each other on a profound level.

What to Expect

Throughout this immersive weekend, you and your partner will embark on a guided exploration of your relationship, working together only facilitated by experts in couples therapy. Through a blend of interactive sessions, reflective exercises, and open , you’ll uncover the patterns that have shaped your partnership and learn practical tools to build a stronger, more resilient bond.

  1. Interactive Sessions: Engage in dynamic activities designed to foster open communication and deepen emotional intimacy.
  2. Reflective Exercises: Gain insights into your relationship dynamics and individual contributions, paving the way for meaningful change.
  3. Open Discussions: Share experiences in a supportive environment, learning from other couples while reinforcing your journey.

Why “Getting the Love You Want”?

Our program is based on decades of psychological research and clinical experience, distilled into a powerful weekend that’s both enlightening and practical. Whether you’re navigating challenges or simply seeking to enhance your relationship, “Getting the Love You Want” provides a clear path forward. It’s more than a program; it’s an investment in the future of your partnership.

Your Mentors

Led by Philipa Thornton, a renowned psychologist specializing in couples therapy and Resource Therapy, and her team of expert therapists, you’re in compassionate and capable hands. With a rich background in EMDR, Imago Relationship Therapy, and a passion for fostering strong, healthy relationships, Philipa and her team offer a wealth of knowledge and support, guiding couples towards lasting love and understanding.

Join Us

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your relationship and discover the love you’ve always wanted. Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized and intimate experience, so secure your spot today and embark on a journey of love, growth, and connection.

For more information and to register, visit our website. Let’s unlock the full potential of your partnership together.

Here’s a YouTube preview video from America’s Imago Relationship Therapy’s founders – Helen LaKelly-Hunt and Harville Hendrix. As a spouse, they live and love the Imago way. With Imago dialogues, a relationship vision and warm connection in their marriage.

Imago Relationship Therapists and married couple. Harville and Helen.

Unlock the Secrets to a Lasting Relationship with “Getting the Love You Want”

Last updated on April 18th, 2024 at 03:55 pm

In the heart of every couple lies a deep yearning to understand and be understood, to connect and be connected, to love and be loved. If you’ve found yourself seeking a deeper, more fulfilling bond with your partner, the Imago Relationship Therapy’s “Getting the Love You Want” two-day couples program is your gateway to transforming your relationship into the partnership you’ve always dreamed of.

Why “Getting the Love You Want”?

Developed by leading experts in marital stability and satisfaction, this program is more than just a retreat; it’s a journey toward the heart of what truly matters in a relationship.

Professor Harville Hendrix Ph.D. and wife Helen La Kelly-Hunt Ph.D., Oprah’s favourite couples therapists, have developed a tried and true two-day inspirational couple journey.

Your presenter Philipa Thornton and husband Chris Paulin offer a lived experience as partners and psychologists. We know it can be tough but with the right help, change is not only possible but inevitable. This was the workshop that energized and strengthened us. We want to offer you the same support and practical skills you can use immediately in your home.

This workshop packs a punch. No more hours of therapy sessions. Get it done in a weekend intensive retreat.

Through a series of interactive sessions, you’ll explore the complexities of love, communication, and connection, unravelling the mysteries that have kept you from achieving the intimacy you crave.

Join the husband and wife team Chris & Philipa relationship psychologists for real world relationship satisfaction and resolution in our latest Sydney Getting the Love You Want Program, a two day workshop for couples.
Exclusive Couples Retreat two-day intensive Program Sydney with Imago Psychologist Philipa Thornton.

What You Will Discover

Over two transformative days, you and your partner will dive into the science and soul of love. You’ll learn:

  • The Art of Communication: Unlock the secrets to expressing your needs and desires without conflict.
  • Deepening Connection: Discover how to forge an unbreakable bond with your partner, even in the face of adversity.
  • Resolving Conflict: Learn strategies to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.
  • Revitalising Your Relationship: Rekindle the passion and joy that brought you together in the first place.

Why Now?

The “Getting the Love You Want” program is not just an event; it’s a turning point for your relationship.

With registration now open for May, this is your moment to choose love, understanding, and connection. Spaces are limited, as we believe in creating a close, intimate setting where every couple receives personalized attention.

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether you’re in the blissful honeymoon phase, navigating challenges, or anywhere in between. It’s for those who believe in love’s potential to grow and enrich our lives in unimaginable ways.

Join Us and Transform Your Relationship

If you’re ready to embark on this journey, reach out to register for the “Getting the Love You Want” program – in person in Sydney Eastern Suburbs on May 25 & 26.

Don’t let another day pass wishing your relationship could be different. Take the step today towards the love you’ve always wanted, and the relationship you and your partner deserve.

Act Now: Secure Your Spot

Registration for May is now open, but spaces fill up quickly. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your relationship and your life. Sign up now and start your journey to getting the love you want.

Register Here

Remember, love isn’t just about finding the right person. It’s about becoming the right partners for each other. Let us guide you there.

3 Minutes a Day to Improve Your Mental Health and Relationship

I have a quick video for you where I share one of our take-home tasks in couples therapy. It’s 3 minutes of positivity directed toward your partner.

This is so important, as we need to build up the emotional good will. Most of us focus on the problems. Which seems like the best thing to do and there definitely is a time and place for that.

Most of us need to regroup and remember the good things. Especially in this Covid world. Gratitude and acknowledgement supports our immune system. Plus it feels better ! So here is a quick guide to the three key skills of Imago – Mirroring, Validation and Empathising. With the daily positivity practice of three minutes a day and sharing that. Love to know how you go, please drop me note below.

Online Getting the Love You Want – NZ Style ?

Hello lovely relationship workers! My Imago friends, and teachers in New Zealand Brenda Rawlings and Peter Macmillan are offering a special treat.

Online 2 hours post Getting the Love You Want Post Workshop Support for Couples.

It’s perfect timing for us Aussies at 5-7 pm, monthly next on August 31st.

Getting the Love You Want
Online Couples Support –  Monday 27 July
A monthly online Seminar ***for couples who have attended a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop
About Online Couples Support
The aim of these sessions is to provide support to couples, following your attendance at a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop.
The sessions will be via Zoom and will be presented by Brenda Rawlings and Peter McMillan (jointly or individually).
They are held on the last Monday of the month, from February to November.
You can register for one, some, or all of the sessions.
The next one is on Monday 31, 7 pm
– 9pm (New Zealand time).

Each session may include a lecture, a demonstration, and exercises to work on with your partner. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
What Will Be Covered?

  • Imago dialogue
  • Parent child dialogue
  • Behaviour Change Request
  • Relational cycles
  • Zero negativity
  • How to listen deeply
  • How to speak safely
  • Using appreciation and gratitude to build safety and connection

You will be guided in using the tools and principles outlined at the Couples Workshop, and to further explore and integrate these into your lives.
5pm – 7pm Sydney Time
$45 (per session)

Register here Getting the Love Online :https://www.relationships.co.nz/getting-the-love-you-want-online-couples-support-australia/

Flyer https://relationships.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c59dd153b1792240bef578a5e&id=9396e91ca9&e=3d2c08868c

It’s Official. I’m a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist!

During my relationship counseling career, I have used the Imago dialogue with couples on and off. There are other approaches we use in sessions too – from leaders in couple therapy like John Gottman and Ellen Bayden.

It wasn’t till Chris and I went through a rocky patch we discovered the power of Harville Hendrix and Helen Lakelly-Hunt’s Imago Couple Therapy. This beautiful life pair show us the way, having co-authored many books together. Including the classic ” Getting the Love You Want” self-help guide. This book has now been in print for over 40 years! Tried and true.

What anniversary is that I wonder?

Chris and I went to the Couples retreat. Here you learn the principles of Getting the Love you Want in the workshop.

This weekend sold me on Imago. We came away more connected, and loving.

In those two days, and to his credit Chris came too. We decided to train in this special relational healing method. A couple of years ago Chris and I attended the training, many days.

Yet I could not call myself and Imago Therapist.

One had to be certified.

An intensive process of supervision, presenting videos of my work, being a helper at workshops, more training, and then a final assessment once I had completed everything.

Last month my official Imago certifier Peter Macmillan, sent me an email. He had reviewed my final tape. He said I had passed with excellent marks. Phew!

So it’s official now. I am an Imago Therapist certified by Imago Therapy International.

Proud to be supporting people in all their relationships. Cheers!


Book an appointment
0434 559 011
Weekdays 9am - 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC +10)

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