Faster EFT Practitioner Training Completed

Last updated on January 12th, 2018 at 04:23 pm

Perhaps you have heard of Robert G. Smith’s Faster EFT? I have recently completed level 1 Practitioner training in Brisbane with Robert and his wonderful team. Continue reading Faster EFT Practitioner Training Completed

Making Couples Happy

Last updated on January 12th, 2018 at 04:04 pm

ABC has a new show airing on Thursday nights featuring couples with real marital problems working through their issues.

Let me tell you a wee bit about ‘science’ behind the couple counselling offered on the program. Continue reading Making Couples Happy

Happy Valentines day! Are you going to have a Delight or a Disaster on your hands?

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 12:02 am

Find practical suggestions relationship advice to help you out today, that will prove useful not only for Valentines day but all year round in your romance.

Click here to read the full article. Continue reading Happy Valentines day! Are you going to have a Delight or a Disaster on your hands?

Revive your love life

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 09:08 am

There’s a controversial new trend that is giving the kiss of life into couples’ love lives.

An unconventional approach to sex, termed Karezza is offering partnerships improved health and restoring relationships in Australia.

Continue reading Revive your love life

Well I better give you the link then

Last updated on February 11th, 2015 at 11:37 pm

Editorial note: my blogspot account is not updated after August 2014, all content is instead on this website

Sorry all, I mentioned my blog and did not give you the address for it.

Here you go: Marriage Works Australia at Blogspot.

Please check it out and I welcome your reflections on the posts.

Best wishes


Check out a counselling session for infidelity!

Last updated on February 11th, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Ok I have joined blogosphere as part of my vision – please check it out Marriage Works Sydney.

On this blog I hope to offer you insights, opinions and relationship advice that relates to your issues.

Continue reading Check out a counselling session for infidelity!

Affairs happen even in the CIA!

Last updated on February 12th, 2015 at 09:09 am

You are not alone if you have discovered your partner has been unfaithful. Infidelity affects many couples. Watching the news, I saw General Petraeus formerly Director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States forced to resign after his affair became public knowledge.

Affairs cause fall out. Usually without this amount of publicity, generated by General Petraeus’s rank; however the effects of infidelity are devastating.

Without professional counselling support many people are able to struggle on and get through this.

As a trained relationship counsellor I can assist you to fast track the healing process and regain your sanity.

Breaches of trust lead people to doubting themselves and reviewing their whole life. Often the marriage or relationship had some issues, but not always. Couples can become vulnerable to a third party in their marriage at different times in a relationship.

Learn how to safeguard and protect your partnership from outside pressures and potential dangers to its security. Or rediscover each other.

Take the time here and read on how you can save your marriage or partnership today!

Welcome to Marriage Works

Last updated on February 11th, 2015 at 11:17 pm

Marriage Works is an Eastern suburbs couples and singles counseling service run by Philipa Thornton, a fully accredited psychologist registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Counselling can help

Would you believe current research tells us working with a psychologist is more effective than solely taking medication? It doesn’t hurt to talk; often people feel a sense of relief and become more in control of their life.

  • It is a simple fact the earlier you seek assistance the quicker things will change in your relationship.

Can I Claim Medicare Rebates or Private Health Insurance?

  • YES!

Eligible people can access Medicare Rebates:

  • Qualifying for Individual ‘Focused Psychological Strategies’ offers a savings of $83.25 per counselling session hyperlink to inform on) under the Department of Health and Ageing: Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative to psychologists and mental health practitioners through the Medicare benefits Scheme (MBS)
  • Private Health Insurance Rebates

All Private Health Care Insurance companies offer some form of counseling rebate for psychologist visits depending on your insurance package.

Therapy can be enormously beneficial in helping you and your partner learn new skills around effective communication, conflict resolution and being there for each other in important ways that fit with your values.